public relations smart city mission land

Public Relations

Present the brand properly and find an appropriate way to your audience.

We help with a Public relations strategy and action plan development that includes communication and sequences procedures development. We help with your brand development, communication, and media tracking. Get a full service for your brand and product support. Remove the communication mess around you.

  • Develop a strong public relations strategy, communication tactics and execute it.
  • Develop a publishing strategy, tactics, plans for the press, media and social media.
  • Develop a complex media strategy including advertising, online marketing, and e-commerce.
  • Setup proper communication plans, matrixes and minimize e-mails quantity.
  • Manage your social channels communication strategy, define topics and schedules.
  • Automate your communication process up to the autonomous solutions and tools.
James Kellner Formal 420

Talk with James

Public Relations Expert